Safe Churches

At Village Baptist we believe that everyone is made in God’s image and so deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. As such, we want our community to be a place where everyone is treated accordingly, free from abuse, and safe as a result. This page is designed to inform you about what you can do if you have or are experiencing abuse, suspect abuse has taken place, or have had a story of abuse disclosed to you.

If you suspect abuse, or someone tells you about an abuse that has taken place.
  1. Begin by listening, then know who to contact…
  2. If anyone’s life is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 111.
  3. Ask for the person’s permission, and take that information to either the pastor, or relevant elder.
  4. If the person does not give you permission, you should still contact the pastor or relevant elder for advice, being careful not to disclose the person’s name, or identifying details.
  5. If your concern relates to the pastor, you can contact a relevant elder, or the Baptist Union at
If you are experiencing abuse, here are some things you can do.
  1. If you are in immediate danger, please call the emergency services on 111.
  2. If there is someone you trust, contact them, and ask for them to assist you in getting help.
  3. Contact the pastor, relevant elder, or the Baptist Union at

Regardless of the nature of the abuse, Village Baptist has relevant Health and Safety policies that will guide our response. These policies were developed using the Baptist Union’s template, tailored to our context by a local Health and Safety professional. These policies are known to the pastor and relevant elders, who will guide the process accordingly.

Our pastor and relevant elders are listed below:

Cameron Jones
Pastor of Village Baptist 

Deb Wall
Elder at Village Baptist 

Colin Hutchison
Chair of the Elders at Village Baptist