We love mission
At its heart, mission is about seeing what God is doing, and joining in. At Village Baptist we see God’s good work all around us, locally, nationally, and globally. As a Church we are committed to supporting, funding, and praying for those who are serving God in mission in their own unique and special way.
The Global Action Team
The Global Action Team is the engine room of Village Baptist’s overseas mission work. It promotes, supports, and provides awareness of global missions while supporting those considering a calling to mission work. The core of our mission work includes:
ASHA: This is Village Baptist’s work in India, where we undertake humanitarian work.
TRANZSEND: Supporting NZ Baptist mission workers overseas.
LOCAL MISSIONARIES: Support and enable our people into global mission work.
JOYYA and HOLI BOLI: Freedom businesses in India.
WORLD VISION: Participating in Child Sponsorship and the 40 Hour Famine.
BIBLE SOCIETY: Supplying Bibles for overseas and in NZ.
OPEN DOORS: Supporting the persecuted Church in other lands.
Village Baptist’s ASHA Ministry is our work in India. It has two core initiatives, Havelock Children’s Centres, and ASHA Humanitarian Aid.
HAVELOCK CENTRES AND HOSTEL: Our work with children and youth provides a refuge for poor and disadvantaged kids. The youth and children in our care are provided with shelter, food, education, and their holistic needs are met.
ASHA HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH: Our team also provides social assistance, and distributes emergency packages in disaster and crisis situations.
Te Waa
In 2019 Village Baptist established a community trust to support the provision of social services into our region. Called ‘The Te Waa Trust,’ it has supported the establishment of a CAP Debt Center which operates out of Village Baptist.
Since the establishment of this Debt Centre, it has taken on 12 new clients per year, and has seen 3 people become debt free as a result. Having recently increased the number of debt coaches, they hope to double the number of clients they see, to 24 per year.