Kids are a key part of our church
Kids are vital because they remind us of the simple trust in God that we are all called to, they remind us that life is to be enjoyed, and the world is a gift to be explored.
Because of this, we encourage our kids to not just spectate, but participate in Church life; to explore their faith, and share their discoveries with others. So, kids spend the first part of the service with us, before moving to separate age appropriate programmes. From time to time we also have integrated services, where the whole Church, kids and adults, learn together. Our kids participate in kids camps where they can learn and have fun outdoors.
On Sunday
During our 10 am services, we run a kid’s program. The kids leave for this part way through the service, approximately twenty minutes in. All of our kid’s programs use a curriculum called ‘Grow’. This curriculum allows for each age group to hear the same message, at an age-appropriate level.
(2 Years – school year 0)
At Pods, the emphasis is on learning through play and the kids being very hands-on. ‘Grow’ is a fantastic curriculum that provides many opportunities for this through games, story illustrations, and even dress-ups!
(School Years 1-3)
At Sprouts, we can now explore the message for the day a little bit deeper, using multimedia, object lessons and chats with the kids in a very relaxed setting, encouraging them to ask their questions and begin to really understand who Jesus is.
The Forest
(School Years 4-6)
Forest is a great age for kids to develop friendships and this is encouraged through plenty of games and fun. The message is also presented through object lessons, craft, stories, and discussions that invite the kids to think more about not just who Jesus is, but what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Other groups/Events
mainly Music
Every Friday Morning during the School term.
From 10am, in the Church Auditorium
Mainly Music is a music group for preschoolers, and their parent or guardian. It’s a space where you and your child will be accepted, loved, and have fun connecting together over music and movement.
Each session costs $4, goes for 30min, and is followed by a shared morning tea.
Messy Church
Third Sunday of the Month.
From 4pm, in the Church Auditorium
On the third Sunday of the month, Village Baptist also runs a Messy Church service.
During a Messy Church service, we explore a biblical story through craft, activity and song. While open to all ages, Messy Church is particularly good for families with preschool and primary aged children.
Upcoming Lessons/Events
For a lot of us, recess is one of our favourite parts of the school day. We get to play...
Havelock North, Hawke's Bay 4130 New Zealand
Mainly Music – Term One
Mainly Music is a music group for preschoolers, and their parent or guardian. It’s a space where you and your...
Havelock North, Hawke's Bay 4130 New Zealand
For a lot of us, recess is one of our favourite parts of the school day. We get to play...
Havelock North, Hawke's Bay 4130 New Zealand
Rachael Witheford | Kids Ministry Director