Working Bee
8 February @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
We want to put our best foot forward as we launch into the new year. So we’re tidying up some areas of the church property that need attention. This includes: tidying up some walls through plaster and paint, replacing the mulch with stones through parts of the front carpark, giving some plants a trim, and a general tidy around the building. We would also like to replant the wine barrels on the cafe deck, so if you have any ideas as to what might work, please let us know.
Depending on the numbers, we think we can knock this out pretty quickly, and conclude by 12:00 to 12:30 pm with a FREE lunch. So if you are able to help, please contact the office using the button below to let us know.
A few things we’ll need are: a trailer (for hedge trimmings), painting equipment (e.g. brushes and rollers), wheelbarrows and shovels (for stones). If you can bring any of these, please also let us know so we can plan accordingly.