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Event Series Event Series: Full Bloom

Full Bloom

30 March @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

Spring is the season for new beginnings! Whether you’re cleaning out parts of your home or watching the flowers bloom in your garden, it’s a time for new life and growth. Like a good gardener, Jesus wanted to help cultivate the seeds of faith in his friends so they could all grow closer to God. In this 4-week series, kids will learn all about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as he sowed the seeds of new life in the world. Kids will discover that God sent Jesus to save us, Jesus understands when we’re hurting, makes all things new, and connects us to God.

This week, kids hear about how Mary anointed Jesus with perfume.
BIG IDEA: God sent Jesus to save us.
BIBLE: John 12:1–8; Genesis 3:1–24

This week, kids hear about how Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before being arrested.
BIG IDEA: Jesus understands when we’re hurting.
BIBLE: Matthew 26:36–46; Isaiah 53:1–5

This week, kids hear about how Jesus died and came back to life!
BIG IDEA: Jesus makes all things new.
BIBLE: Luke 24:1–12; Revelation 22:1–5

This week, kids hear about how Jesus showed his scars to his disciples.
BIG IDEA: Jesus connects us to God.
BIBLE: John 20:19–31; John 15:1–13

147 Te Aute Road
Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay 4130 New Zealand
+ Google Map
06 877 4606
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