Yesterday (29th August) the church cottage was finally lifted onto two trucks, cut down the middle, and relocated to its…
Building Back Better
While stage one of our Building Back Better project is largely complete, things are still moving forward. Recently we’ve seen…
Last week we had the final run to the finish line. During that week, we saw (just about) everything completed…
With one week left from today, we’re officially on the downhill slope for stage one of our Building Back Better…
The painters have been hard at work across the last week, and have (just about) finished all the painting that…
The biggest visible change this week has been the preparation of the Church Cottage for removal. As the ‘modern’ additions…
Between the pink wood of the new partitions and the pink bats installed between, our ministry center has begun to…
The builders officially began work on Monday this week! In the photo above, you can see the ministry center classrooms…
All go from Monday! Today, we had a site meeting with our builder and architects to plan the construction to…
While it’s been a few weeks since the last update, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes….