Watering Sheep


Village Baptist has an arrangement with a local grazer in which they graze their sheep and cattle on our property. While there is no direct financial benefit for the church, it does save us considerable time that we might otherwise have to spend mowing the grass or raising stock directly. However, the water line that feeds those paddocks connects to the church cottage that will soon be demolished/relocated. So a new water line will need to be run. Today this was achieved, with the new line connecting to an existing one outside the rear of the church auditorium. This new line is a significant improvement on the old one as it’s rated for full water pressure, buried to prevent inadvertent damage, and  is one single piece reducing leaks.


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Account Name: Village Baptist Church
Account Number: 03-0642-0737741-01

Just add ‘Building’ in the particulars, alongside your tithe number (if you have one) as the reference.