The Build Back Better Plan

Building Back Better - Meeting PowerPoint (1)

Having communicated the preferred rebuild options with the church (here), we finally arrived at a point where we could present a comprehensive Building Back Better plan. This comprehensive plan drew from future growth projections and the staffing and property requirements to accommodate that growth, past analysis of the costs associated with different office accommodation options, and zoning considerations. The property proposal recommended that we progress with Option B, as Option A appeared to be prohibitively expensive. The staffing proposal recommended an increase in total staffing hours, which included the employment of a new associate pastor to oversee youth and pastoral care. While this plan required a simultaneous increase in general giving and rebuild donations, it was the most effective way to address the needs of the church and appeared doable even though it would require a stretch to get there.

At the associated church meeting, the congregation gave permission for the leadership to progress with the proposed plan, with 99% support for the staffing plan, and 93% support for the property plan.

The full ‘Build Back Better’ document is attached below:

Building Back Better – Church Document [Final]


You can support our ‘Build Back Better’ project by sending donations to:

Account Name: Village Baptist Church
Account Number: 03-0642-0737741-01

Just add ‘Building’ in the particulars, alongside your tithe number (if you have one) as the reference.